Resources for Partners
From EunuchWiki
There are very few resources for us eunuchs and nullos, there’s even less for our partners. However, some of the issues that castration and nullification raise are the same as our similar enough to trans issues for some of the same resources to be useful.
This page lists some of resources for partners of eunuchs and nullos.
- mypartneristrans – as it says on the tin – this is for partners of vanilla trans people (who’d have thought that trans could be considered “mainstream”!? – its just perspective from the more marginalised eunuch perspective) – this community is probably the best as it enables partners to connect with other partners
- askaeunuch – this is a new community, but you can ask anything you like, and somebody will try to answer your questions
- asktransgender – this is a place where cis people can ask trans people questions
- askatransperson – similar to the above
- beyond-reflections – a charity supporting trans, non-binary and questioning adults, as well as their friends, families and allies in England & Wales. Membership of a support group costs £25pcm (£5 if on benefits). Counselling costs £50pcm (£5 if on benefits)