Flying into San Diego

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Arriving at San Diego

Flying to San Diego is both cheaper and there are direct flights – this might be a big advantage when flying home (ie you won’t need to rush to a connecting flight)

You will need an ESTA if flying from London –

If you have an ESTA, your passport won’t be stamped.

Your taxi will drive straight through the border to Mexico: it will not be stopped and your passport will not be checked (or stamped).

Returning to San Diego

Return flight, if you went economy, try to return premium economy.

Book assistance for your return flight, even if you are recovering well, you may well get achy if you have to stand for long or really any sort of distance. Assistance will help get onto the plane now quickly, through security, and immigration now quickly.

Remember to take a charging cable for your phone! You might be glad of giving it a boost before you arrive – the driver will be WhatsApping you to arrange pickup.

When returning, there will be a Medical Pass to purchase (see page on Summary of Costs for Orchidectomy and Scrotectomy). There is a “fast lane” for holder of Medical Passes; it is still slow. Passports will be checked and there will be a conversation between your driver and the border official. There is also the possibility of a secondary inspection.