From EunuchWiki
Lets you create a frame with multiple photos and switch between them by using the "Previous" and "Next" buttons.
{{ Photoframe | name | style | button styles | first photo link | second one | etc. (max. 10 links) }}
- name - gives the frame a unique name, e.g. .wilnudes, .tabsnudes (you can't use the same name twice on one page)
- style - changes the frame style, e.g. background-color:red. See here for more.
- button styles - changes the font of prev/next buttons, e.g. font-size:125%. See here for more.
- youtube link - ID of a YouTube video enclosed in <youtube> tags, after ?v=
Note: remember to remove all whitespaces (except for the ones in links) and put everything in one long line, otherwise it might get broken.
Previous Image | Next Image